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MVE CryoShpers 设计用于安全运输在-150°C 或以下更低温度的生物样品。 他们在不超过 2 小时的时间内充入液氮并通过 蒸汽运输。

可以使用保护性运输纸箱来运送所有型号的样品。 在全球范围内,无危险分类,从而降低成本并确保样品的可行性。


版权归 Chart Industries,Inc.提供。版权 2018。经许可使用,保留所有权利。

下载 CryoShipper 系列蒸汽运输商手册

快速充入液氮少于2 小时

MVE CryoShipper 系列采用了先进的 QWick 充填材料,充入液氮的时间少于2小时,并 通过蒸汽运送。 CryoShipper 系列采用了疏水性技术,能够吸收液氮的化合物,确保干燥,无泄漏气相运输。

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MVE CryoShipper 系列采用了先进的 QWick 充填材料,能在不到两个小时的时间内充填液氮。

Liquid Nitrogen

Nitrogen is valued both as a gas for its inert properties and a liquid for cooling and freezing. Our experienced applications team can use their knowledge of your industry and application to provide you with a supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.
Download Liquid Nitrogen Safetygram 7 brochure



CryoEase® Microbulk Solutions

CryoEase® microbulk technology is a modern concept where your gas is supplied by filling on-site vs. the traditional method for smaller volume usage, where gas is supplied by swapping full for empty cylinders and dewars. CryoEase® microbulk supply features specially designed trucks with integrated controls and flexible storage tank options. End usage can be provided as pure gases, cryogenic liquids or gaseous mixtures via a blender installed at your site.
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