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Suppliers are integral members of our team. We created this site to give you online access to the procurement and payables organizations. You will find information on how to manage supplier-related items and policies.

We purchase more than $10 billion in materials, equipment, power and services annually from over 30,100 unique suppliers and service providers worldwide. We want to work with vendors who share in our commitment to ethical business practices and who can help us deliver value to our customers.

Suppliers are required to abide by and conform to our global Code of Conduct in their business dealings with us and to support sustainability through the principles outlined in Air Products’ Expectations of Suppliers. To ensure that our standards are met, we:

  • Prequalify suppliers using commercial and technical evaluations
  • Evaluate supplier proposals considering energy efficiency
  • Conduct reviews for critical suppliers
  • Employ a rating system to encourage continuous improvement and recognize achievement
  • Monitor ongoing performance and product quality via assessments
  • Follow defined procedures for noncompliance and remediation
  • Develop joint corrective action plans
  • Organize joint continuous improvement events

Supplier Code of Conduct

Air Products wants to do business with suppliers that share our values. Our "Supplier Code" sets out the minimum expectations for our suppliers relating to business conduct, environmental protection, and social responsibility.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

“A payment is registered in MyAccount but I have not received the funds. What do I next?”
The check information screen found within MyAccount will give you the check/draft number of the Air Products payment.
If a paper check was issued, you can find the remit to address the check was sent to by clicking on the vendor code listed in the display.

Paper check receipt may take up to 10 business days from the date we issue the check. If you want faster payment receipt, consider completing the Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization form

If you need further information or tracking, please contact the Accounts Payable Help Desk.