- 提高现有设备的废水处理能力
- 为了减少曝气池产生的泡沫,异味和挥发性有机化合物
- 提高硝化和沉降效率
- 去除色度以便排放或再利用
- 去除难降解污染物
- 提高溶解氧(DO)水平并扩大水产养殖密度

Samy Sablayrolles
Commercial Technology Water Solutions, Europe
Air Products 技术可让您在不停止当前空气曝气的情况下利用纯氧增氧。 我们采用的概念是在高峰期解决缺氧问题,或弥补空气曝气的短缺,同时尽量保持空气曝气的连续运行。 在某些情况下,如果可以清楚地看出节省成本和提高产能等优势,或者无法避免纯氧曝气器与空气曝气器之间的相互作用,纯氧将完全取代空气系统。 对于每个解决方案,#Air Products 的技术和系统专家关注的是,如何通过了解每个系统来节省成本,并提供最佳的成本和效率解决方案。
Air Products 气体通常以气态和液态形式供应,可让各行各业的客户提高其环保性能,产品质量和生产率。
Carbon Dioxide
Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.
In addition to its use as a respiratory gas for healthcare applications, its strong oxidizing properties benefit many industries by improving yields, optimizing performance, lowering costs and reducing carbon footprint compared to other fuels.
Related Industries
Air Products offers thousands of products and services to a variety of different industries. This scope and experience has enabled us to develop a deeper understanding of the demands of these industries, and of your particular needs.
We have provided information most relevant to you within this industry section, but you may find information in other related industries of interest as well. The attached list is provided as a convenience for you or you can click on “Industries” in the top navigation for a full listing.
We have provided information most relevant to you within this industry section, but you may find information in other related industries of interest as well. The attached list is provided as a convenience for you or you can click on “Industries” in the top navigation for a full listing.