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MRI 充填


磁共振成像(MRI)是一种用于放射科的成像技术,用于对患者体内进行详细拍照,以帮助诊断医疗状况。 MRI 设备配有超导磁体线圈,需要使用液氦来保持低温,而不会产生干扰。

Air Products 使用最先进的液氦杜瓦瓶提供°KeepCOLD®MRI 磁铁充填服务,可确保高传输效率和最长的正常运行时间,因此您的员工将有更多时间专注于病人和其他相关活动。

立即联系 Air Products,让我们为您提供安全保护。

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  • 可靠的全球氦气供应
  • 真空夹套(JV)氦气输送管线
  • 配有毒刺的杜瓦瓶能提供更高的转移效率和最低的产品损失
  • 通过 ISO 9001 认证的技术人员
  • 全方位服务:磁铁冷却,冰块清除,应急响应服务和压缩机维护(包括充氦气和定期更换压缩机)




“为什么在 MRI 磁铁中使用氦气?”
氦气是唯一能以液态形式沸腾至 4.2K 的气体,这也是超导磁铁线圈所需的温度。

State-of-the-Art Liquid Helium Dewars

  • Air Products owns, maintains, and transports thousands of liquid helium dewars around the world
  • Supplied in 60 to 500 liter sizes, they are all superinsulated to reduce boil-off
  • Equipped with stingers yielding the highest transfer efficiency. This means less liquid helium loss from the dewar to the magnet
  • Our 250 and 500 liter sizes are mounted on bases with casters for greater stability and maneuverability
  • Non-magnetic construction provides compatibility with MRI and other magnetic environments
  • Each dewar is labeled with information on safe handling of product and vessel storage

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Air Products 气体通常以气态和液态形式供应,可让各行各业的客户提高其环保性能,产品质量和生产率。


An inert gas for cryogenic, heat transfer, shielding, leak detection, analytical and lifting applications


For Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI) and other cryogenic applications, Air Products supplies liquid helium in 60, 100, 250 and 500 liter ruggedly constructed and super-insulated dewars.