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Packaging, Inerting and Blanketing

Helping keep your product intact and your employees and equipment safe

Inerting, also known as blanketing, is the process of replacing the atmospheric air around a substance or material with a non-reactive gas, such as nitrogen or argon, to ensure it stays in a passive or unreactive state.

Nitrogen is typically used due to its inertness and friendly environmental profile making it suitable for a host of applications. Since it does not react with most materials, nitrogen is an excellent inerting, blanketing and purging gas that can be used to protect valuable chemical products from harmful contaminants. One of its most important uses is to eliminate flammability risks in reactor vessels and storage tanks.

Other gases such as carbon dioxide and argon can also be used in some cases for inerting purposes.

We can help you choose the optimum method to meet your needs, while also keeping gas usage to a minimum.


  • 安全:以最少的气体用量预防敏感材料着火和爆炸
  • 受控临界氧气浓度(COC)水平:用于计算混合物可燃性和 COC 的专有软件
  • 质量:延长保质期,防止空气和其他污染物渗透并造成降解
  • 纯度范围和供气模式选择:根据您对纯度、使用模式、体积及占地面积的用气要求,我们为您推荐最高效的供应方式





氮气被引入储罐顶部空间以保持设定压力。 与连续吹扫相比,氮气加压能最大限度地减少进气泄漏,并能减少氮气用量。

Concentration control blanketing

An oxygen monitoring system controls the flow of nitrogen into the headspace of the tank. A concentration control system can help enable precise operation and reduce gas usage compared to continuous purging.


这种方法通常在被吹扫容器只有一个开口的情况下使用,或者在吹扫环氧乙烷消毒器等批量操作中使用。 氮气用于为容器或者管道加压,它混合并稀释原有气体,并将其排出到排放物控制单元。 不断重复该过程,直至容器被充分吹扫。


氮气持续的通入容器,稀释混合气,然后通过出口(最好是进口的对面)排出。 容器的形状以及进口和出口的方向是影响稀释吹扫效率的重要因素。 干燥过程与之类似,但可去除残留材料。

Displacement purging and pigging

Nitrogen can be used to purge out a pipe run. A “pig,” a bullet shaped object, can also be pushed through the line using nitrogen gas pressure in order to purge the contents.


可以在不使用泵的情况下对容器的顶部空间进行加压,以输送液体。 当由于空间限制而难以输送物料时,或者当物料(如腐蚀性物质)引起泵送问题时,它非常有优势。





Jon Trembley

Technology Manager - Cryogenic Applications


设计氮封系统时,必须考虑许多因素。 了解存储物料和容器类型有助于您为您的操作设计优化系统。 观看我们的氮封简短视频。 (2:45)




Compressed argon gas and liquid argon in a variety of purities and in various modes of supply around the world thanks to our network of storage and transfill facilities.

Carbon Dioxide

Our experienced applications teams across the globe can use their industry and application knowledge to provide you with a compressed or liquid carbon dioxide supply and technology solution to meet your unique needs.


Useful as a gas, for its inert properties, and as a liquid for cooling and freezing. Virtually any industry can benefit from its unique properties to improve yields, optimize performance and make operations safer.

Bulk Supply

Delivered by truck and stored on your site either as a liquid in cryogenic tanks or as a gas in high-pressure tubes based on your volume, desired pressure, purity level, flow rate, and operating pattern.

On-site Gas Generation

On-site gas generation helps sustainability-minded customers lower their carbon footprint, boost energy efficiency, increase throughput, enhance end product quality, and improve environmental performance.

Pipeline Supply

Located in major industrial locations around the world, pipelines offer customers with large product demands a range of benefits, including reliable, safe and flexible supply in a cost-effective way.


Air Products'计算建模中心利用应用的数学和计算技术来解决研究,工程和业务问题。 我们在计算化学,计算流体力学(CFD),工艺建模和优化以及其他技能方面拥有 20 多年的丰富经验,用于改善业务和技术领域的决策制定。
